Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Getting Policital

Okay... i must be getting old cuz now it's politics that is pissing me off. Everyone has now seen the new Conservative party ads.

I may be 'pro' liberal but still you have to admit that these are the stupidest ads you've seen in a long time. Why didn't they just use voice over to say: "Mr. Dion, are you a racist, kitten kicking, animal tester that sucker punches preoccupied pregnant women in the gut?" then splicing in some video of him saying "Absolutely" from some unrelated press conference.

Does anyone actually feel that this sways their vote away from the Liberal party? It could be just me.

There really should be a law outlawing commercials by any political party when there is not an official election scheduled. Really, I could have been watching some of the American Superbowl commercials instead!!!

1 comment:

Mike said...

All I know is that Harper is giving me $100 a month for Julia.