Monday, October 02, 2006

September means the PVR is in full effect..

So hear is a list of what's chewing up space on the PVR now that the new fall season is upon us....

CSI (orginal LV edition) ... that model is wicked!!!
Amazing Race... feeling a little diluted this time around. Not feeling it.
Survivor... again, suckered in with the race thing.. too bad it ended so soon.
Hockey a Peoples History (recorded every sunday.. difficult to catch up on though)
Dancing with the stars (yeah cheesey, but thumbs up for an HD broadcast)
Ugly Betty not a bad start, bonus clips of Salma Hayek keeps this show in good standing.
Heroes .. awsome opening episode, lots going on in the background... definately the "new show" of the season for me.
Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares : great show... so good that it doesnt matter that it's on fuzzy standard definition.

Batchelor : Rome... yeah.. will watch with the wife. Should have some promising venues.
24 : will be watching weekly
Restraunt makeover : can't wait for the Jerimiah Bullfrog's episode... what happened to my Jerk Burger !!!

feather in any Toronto Maple Leaf broadcast in HD, i think i'll need some more storage space on the PVR.

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