Tuesday, October 10, 2006

House Progress

So it seems like we've nailed down the upgrades and as you can see, the place is really progressing. You can't see from the photos but the finished stairs are sitting in the main floor waiting to be installed.

When I forget about how much everything costs, i'm really excited because I think the place will be beautiful. Julianne and I have really been good about choosing what we want now, and what can wait. I'm honestly a little surprised that we haven't butted heads over any thing. (okay, a 2nd closet in the master suite took some convincing, but seriously, she's getting the walk-in to herself)

Oh yeah... so rants... hmm, I should have tons of material to rattle off about the whole new home thing..... and I have had my momments, but right now, i just can't wait to move it and plant some new roots. I'll recap some of the crap on a future post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two closets! Why didn't I think of that?!?