Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Bed is in !!!

It has been a 12 round battle royal to get our new bed into the master bedroom. Here's a recap... dates are approximate.

Feb 24... visit Sleep Country to select a king sized mattress for our new bed.

Feb 25... purchase a new "Bachelor" king sized bed from UpCountry at a promotional price.

March 1... Move from the condo to the townhouse amid the worst snowstorm of the year

March 3... Mattress is delivered, but can't fit up stair case, is left in kitchen.

March 6... For an additional $100 a 'rope team' is hired to lift the mattress to the bedroom

March 16... Bed is finally delivered from UpCountry (see blog entry)

March 18ish... knowing a $2000 credit from UpCountry is worthless unless you wait to get something on deep discount once in a blue moon, I figure I'll get the bed upstairs somehow and have them "re-deliver" it at the cost of another $100.

March 21ish... bed is redelivered, this time, the two pieces that make up the base are removed from their boxes and again tried to negotiate the stairs to no avail. Other problems are that the headboard is missing, and one of the drawers in the base has a deep scratch through the stain to the wood..... wonderful.

March 23ish... headboard is delivered. Neighbor hires onsite crane operator to lift his furniture to his 3rd floors for $200, but i have a quote from the mattress guys for $100, and they're scheduled to arrive next week.

March 26ish... company that lifted the mattress comes back to lift the bed for the $100 quote... however, feel that they can't do it once they see the boxes.

March 28ish... UpCountry dispatches the "Furniture Dr." to fix the scratched drawer. I'm pissed that I'm paying full price for a damaged bed but I'm too exhausted to fight it anymore. He did do a remarkable job, but its not perfect.

April 8th... optimistically, invite a bunch of people over to attempt to lift the bed via rope and manpower upstairs, but wisely abort the plan at the last moment.

April 10ish... Building site proj mgr insists crane will be back "any day now"

April 21st... Get $400 minimum quote from crane operator to bring equipment onsite and move my bed and stuff for my neighbor. The plan is to hire him if we don't hear from the builder by Wednesday.

April 22nd... The mattress has been sitting in the master bedroom, still wrapped in original plastic since March 6th... Julianne and I break down and unwrap it and sleep on it on the floor.

April 23rd... 5pm the building site, crane guy arrives !!! I have no photos as i was too nervous watching a 100+ lbs piece of my bed being balanced on a tiny 4x3 cherry picker basket without straps or ropes holding it down, 30 feet over the roof of my garage. Ring up another $100 for the 30min work and the total delivery charges on the bed are $400. ($100 rope guys, $200 Upcountry (delivered twice), $100 crane guy)... oh and last thing, we debated on whether to lift the head board in its box or unpack it first.... (it had been boxed since it was delivered).... so we open the box and the fabric insert... is the wrong colour!!! ...forget it, it stays.

.... so it took from Feb 24 till April 23rd, 58 days to get the bed in order and we slept in it on the 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th. Yes.... 4 days!!! 4 days, and we're back to the 2nd bedroom and later posts will explain.

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