Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hot night in the beach

So after living for 8 years on Queen Street, in view of the Fire station, you get used to the sounds of sirens going by. A few go by, its no different that the streetcar. However, every few years, I'd hop out of bed after the 5th or 6th truck would go by.

This was almost exactly two years ago when the 7th wave burnt down.

.... so anyways, in the new place, there are far fewer fire trucks going by on a regular basis. Last night, after the 3rd one went by the front of the house, i got up and opened the back balcony door to see if I could see where it was going. Well, just past the last townhouse, directly in line where the new million dollar homes were located, i could see flames lighting up the sky.

Thinking oh shit, I could just imagine those houses burning to the ground. Since i've become used to getting up and walking around in the middle of the night, i grabbed my camera and a jacket and hustled down the street. Once i got to the pool, i could see that it wasnt the houses on fire but the changerooms and washrooms at the beach, near the volleyball courts. A little less dramatic than the homes, infact, it looked like a big beach bonfire. Anyways, a started snapping away.

It looks like they piled up a bunch of wooden snowfences behind the change room and that was what caught fire (was set on fire) and the change rooms eventually caught fire too.

It didn't take long for the almost 50-70 firefighters to put the flames out once they had their hose down to fire.

So i'm walking back home, satisfied with my action shots... only to notice the image stablization was turned off on my lens !!! So low light, and shakey hands could only produce the following pics. Sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're getting to be a professional with your pictures. Soon you'll be charging us for copies!!