WooHoo !!! Tonight is my L.C.B.O. For the uninformed, LCBO stands for Last Call Before Offspring. Julianne is due with our first child on May 2nd.
HISTORY... the LCBO was born to be a 'rite of passage' event for guys as the enter fatherhood. We discovered that the transition from bachelorhood to marriage is relatively easy as you've most likely been exclusively dating your fiance before marriage anyways. The transition from a couple to a triple (or more) is significantly more impactful on ones social life with the boys. Thus the concept of the LCBO was born.
Ironically, we realized that we had infact celebrated our first LCBO inadvertently. When Brian asked me to be his best man, i was living on the other side of the country and was unable to organize a proper bachelor party for him. In consolation, I promised him I would throw him a proper send off prior to the birth of his first child, a claim I made good on prior to the birth of his son.
... back to our story... tonight Brian scheduled my LCBO... a simple cards, bbq & cigars affair at his house. Earlier in the day, around 1pm, Julianne started experiencing some "tightening" around her belly. This came and went throughout the day, and increased in frequency and intensity. Around 6pm, Julie still expected me to go to Brian's and considered inviting her sister over to stay with her in case something happened. Her "tighting" feelings were stronger now and happening every 5 minutes... I recall this was significant, from my vague recollection of child birth classes. I insisted she call the hospital to confirm this was 'normal' at this stage before Todd was scheduled to pick me up.
The nurse suggested "I think you should come in".... and the LCBO went out the window. We slowly got our stuff together to go to the hospital. We casually ensured all of our hospital bags had everything, Julianne took time for a shower and we arrived at the maternity ward around 8pm. There, they attached two monitors to Julianne, one for the baby's heart rate, and one to measure the intensity of the contractions. After around an hour, the Doctor examined Julianne and informed us that she had dilated to only 1cm. At around 10pm, she sent us home to wait for the contractions to intensify to the point where Julianne could "no longer talk through them" She told us that this could take anywhere from 2hrs to 2 weeks.
We got back home a little after 10pm, watched some tv and started to prepare for bed.
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