Saturday, May 03, 2008

It's my Party!!!

So we organized Russell's first birthday party for Saturday May 3rd. We knew it was going to be hectic day but really had no idea just how hectic.

On Tuesday, the day after Russell's actual birthday, Julie got a call from daycare informing her to pick him up as he had a fever. Julie had the day off, and was planning on visiting the new dental practice that she would be starting at on Thursday. I on the other hand, was out in San Francisco getting an preview of the next version of Siebel. (and watching the cable cars a bit)

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Julie picked up Russell and took him to the Doctor. She said to give him Tylenol and bring him back on Thursday.

So Thursday, I'm back in town, so I take him to the doctor so Julie can go to her first day of work. The doctor says that Russell has an ear infection and prescribes some antibiotics. The good thing is that his fever is fading by this point.

Friday night, Julie and I plan to get ready for the big day. I made all the hamburger patties that night and Julianne did some baking. The next morning, Julie was going to decorate the cake and tidy up. I was taking Russ to music class, getting beer, then going to Loblaws for chicken (for the beer can chicken)

After music class we change Russell and notice he has little spots all over his tummy. Some on his arms and legs too. Julie calls the doctor and leaves a message for her. We assumed it must be an allergic reaction to the antibiotics so we don't give him anymore, and I proceed to the grocery.

I know have beers in the car, I've just loaded 4 whole chickens into the grocery cart when I get a call from Julianne. She says the Doctor called her back and from our description of his rash, thinks he has Rosiola? (sp.) She proceeds to tell us that he's not contagious but he may have been when he had his fever earlier in the week and that his toys and stuff he's touched my still pass it on. So now, we're scrambling to figure out how much food we need and to see who is still coming. We called everyone with small children to give them an update and see if they're still coming. All this time I'm looking at the chickens... how many do I need now... 2? 3? or should i still buy 4 since they're on sale this week?

I come home and we're still scrambling to get ready. Julianne still needs to shower, I have to pre-cook the burgers and prepare the chicken when the guests start to arrive and on top of that, the rain starts to fall.

Of course, none of this seemed to bother Russell, who had a great time regardless. In fact, i think everyone had a great time, and Julie and I probably just scrambled for nothing. Hopefully we'll get better with practice.

Happy Birthday to Russell

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Russell's Cake

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Russell takes the lead in Rockband

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Anonymous said...

What a crazy week! I'm glad Russell is ok. Love the car cakes!!

Dee said...

my turtle is a star...
love aunty dee