Monday, December 17, 2007

Catching up ... again

Well with the holiday upon us, we've been quite busy for updates. We went to pick out our Christmas tree with Russell. Honestly, even all decorated and lit up, I don't think he's all that impressed. He's much more enamored with the empty cardboard boxes.

Russell had another vaccination shot this week too. To be honest, Julianne really keeps track of which one it is more than I do. But he did get weighed again. Latest official weight is 19lbs 1 oz.

We also did a long overdue cleaning of his room. In his closet I found a new toy he's really taken a liking to. My old PS/2 keyboard. What do you think of his new cubicle. I guess its a long road to the corner office.


Anonymous said...

Oh my God!!! Is that the funniest picture of Russell in the box!!! He's going to be a "gadget guy" like his daddy!

Mike said...

That's a pretty shabby tree decorating job. Only one ornament and it came with the tree.