Sunday, November 30, 2008

Russell on Ice

Grandma's company had a family skating day at the Ricoh Center so what better place for Russell to display is athletic potential to new Leafs GM Brian Burke? So with new skates and the helmet from last summer, he took to the ice for his try out.

Ice is a lot trickier on skates than carpet is.

In the penalty box...(i guess he didn't like the call)

Russell still doesn't care for Santa too much.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Russell Rocks

Saturday, Julianne is thinking how cute Russell was singing along with Rockband, holding the mic. I explain to her that our old copy of Rockband won't play on the new playstation, but I would gladly go pick up a copy of Rockband2 for PS3 while Russell napped.

.... the rest is Rockband history.

Monday, November 03, 2008


I know i have lots of stuff to catch up on, like Russell Takes to the Seas, Russell goes to the zoo, Russell Picks a Pumpkin, and Russell goes to the ACC. Oh, and most importantly, Ron Rents a Mazda 5.

But to respect the season, here are Russell's Halloween photos.

From Movies