Monday, January 29, 2007


Check it out !!! Mike's dad hanging out with Paris, Nicole and the king of Pop !!! He looks a little pre-occupied... the Jays game must be on.

Live Rant... just opened my mail

Okay, the bane of my customer service existence sent a letter today. Rogers sent a notification of rate increases. Within the letter was this line:

"The regular monthly rate for your Rogers Digital VIP Cable package will increase by $58.97, plus applicable taxes." By $58.97 ?!?!?! WTF !!!

Chalk one up to the proof reading police because it should have read "to $58.97"

Not to be out done with incompetence, Talvest Mutual Funds is writing to inform me that a backup computer file has recently gone missing while in transit between offices!!! This file may have contained by Name, Address, Signature, DOB, bank account numbers, beneficiary info and Social Insurance Number!!!

Unfriken believable !!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Quick update.... (no photos)

So we walked by the house today to check on the progress. I'm cautiously optimistic that we'll be good to move on the 1st of March, but as some point I guess you have to commit to the date.

From the front door, we were pleasantly surprised to the walls painted, all the base boards and trim was in. The stairs leading upstairs had been stained so it looked like it just needed pot lights finished and the under pad & carpet laid.

Going around back revealed the main floor was in similar shape with the paint & trim, but it also had the hardwood floor completed as well. I'm just waiting to see those cabinets we ordered.

Fingers are still crossed.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Photo test for Danny

Warning.... Photo geek posting ahead.

So Dan was asking about how different the depth of field is between f1.4 and f1.8 I had the same question when I was thinking about getting a 50mm lens. Is the f1.4 worth the price?

Here are the results. All shots were from the same range, all focused the "Favorites" text. Also, the camera was set on aperture priority so the shutter speed was calculated automatically.

Dont forget you can click on the photo to zoom in for details.

Shot @ F1.4 shutter 1/125

Shot @ F1.8 shutter 1/100

Shot @ F2.8 shutter 1/40

Shot @ F5.6 shutter 1/10 (so if its blurry is probably me)

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Voice of the Nation

So we're at the home show on Sunday and are approached by this reporter & photographer. He asks us what we think of the energy conservation program announced that day. We're expecting some lifestyle question about what you're shopping for etc. but really, i had no idea what he's talking about. So he gives us this 3 minute synopsis of the announcement and asks what we think.

"Ron Tabata, of Toronto, who was wandering through the Home Show with his wife, Julianne, also had misgivings. "I don't think you will get as many people taking advantage of it simply because of the upfront costs and then you don't know if you are going to get it.""

from todays Toronto Star

Makes me think about quotes in the newspaper. What value is my comment on something I really didn't know anything about?

Thinking more about it, the act still sounds stupid. I mean anyone who wanted to renovate to conserve energy would have already done it for the energy cost savings, not a stupid rebate. If you did upgrade, you probably don't have the cash to do so anyways so a rebate is no help. The group that would benefit the most would be a real estate speculator who's buying a dated property and planning a full renovation to flip it anyways.

Either way... i guess i still got to go out and pick up a copy of todays paper.